
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer in SoCal

Well, well...I gave my blog a new look. I'm digging it. It's definitely more "me." 

Now that Scott and I have actually been around each other more than just the weekends, I thought I'd do a post about some of the things we've been doing out in sunny California. Yes, we finally started taking advantage of some of the things San Diego has to offer. 

I had never been to Sea World, so you know I wanted to go. It turned out to be a lot of fun. I think wild animals are pretty amazing. The Shamu show had to be my favorite. Who knew these huge whales could break dance and do back flips?!  

I tried to sneak a penguin out in my back pack. No such luck.

Scott, our friend Ben, and I have been going to play baseball/softball here lately. I mean, we can't exactly scrimmage or anything, but it gets us outside and doing something athletic and active. We actually even do some hitting and fielding and stuff. Scott gets pretty serious about pitching. 

The San Diego County Fair was in town for a few weeks, so we had to hit that up as well. Have to say, the fair kinda felt like Texas. What with all the fried foods and livestock. I even got a snow cone. I've been missing those like crazy this summer because, oddly enough, beachy San Diego doesn't have snow cone stands. No pictures for this one. Though I do have some carnival prizes to prove it. Had to give my goldfish away though.

The Astros were in town this week. And since hubby prefers them to the better team in Texas (yes, I am trying to convert him into a Rangers fan) we went and watched them play the Padres. The good thing about the Padres...they aren't exactly a good team...and this=cheap tickets. I can't really complain though, we're going to watch the Rangers play the Angels on Saturday. And hopefully we'll catch a homerun ball out in left field.

 I've slowed down a little bit on my sewing projects. The debate of what to make is always a problem. But I have made a couple of things since my last crafty post. 

I wasn't sure the last harness I made for Bambi was going to stay on her because it just velcros together. She's already slipped out of it once when I tried it on her inside the apartment. And I definitely don't want my little rabbit getting loose at some rest stop on the way back to Texas; I may not ever catch her. (Though I'm sure Scott wouldn't mind.) So I decided I needed to add a parachute clip on the neck to make it stay. And well, for whatever reason, instead of just adding one to her first harness, I made a new one. This time, I couldn't resist adding a little bit of a ruffle. And Bambi decided to be a little model, so I actually got a couple of good pictures of her wearing it. This one seems to do the trick. Though I'm still pretty wary of taking her outside in it.

And this one is poor quality because I couldn't use my flash right in her face. But who can resist a close up? haha

And last week I made another girly onesie set. 

(If you're interested in purchasing a customized set like this, head over to my new craft blogFacebook page, or email me at

Apparently, I am on a polka dot kick.

But while we're on the subject of crafts...I have been debating for a while on whether or not I should start making stuff to sell. Of course, I'm no machine so I would only be able to take a few "orders" at a time and then knock them out on a first come first serve basis. But it's all for not if no one would be interested. So if any of you mommies, daddies, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc would be interested in something like this, definitely shoot me a text or a message on Facebook so I will know that there is even any kind of interest. If not, that's okay, I'll just keep making baby things for the babies I will hopefully have in the far future! :) Oh and if you have a small dog that you would need a harness for, I could probably even do that. Maybe even some painted Rangers shoes! Or really, if you see something you want made, but don't want to do yourself, maybe I can do it. I'm up for trying out some new projects!

I'll leave you with a short video of Bambi. She has this habit of taking off with things I'm trying to use. And I find it hilarious. Seriously, she is so much like a puppy. Except with a bouncy butt.

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