
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Baby Boots

I finally have something to show for my lack of blogging. 

Our friends Kaylyn and Trever have a beautiful baby girl. And I decided that I was going to take it upon myself to spoil her just a bit. I mean, she is the reason I started making baby clothes and then I pretty much got stuck on she deserves more clothes in return, right?

well, I have this really hard time making decisions. Even if it's just what I'm going to sew today. So the other day, I let someone else do the deciding for me. I asked Kaylyn what she would like baby Avery to have and she said...a hat and boots. And immediately I thought...done and done. 

I'm really liking the newsboy hat...and maybe eventually I will branch out to other hats, but I decided to stick with it this time.

Then, as luck would have it, I saw these cute little boots on (none other than) Pinterest:

Needless to say, I was a fan. For the first time, I actually BOUGHT a pattern. So I won't be able to share a tutorial with you (not because I'm know, this thing called a "copyright.") But you can buy the pattern and tutorial here. (You can also omit the ruffle to make boy boots. Maybe I will make some sometime.)

While mine didn't turn out as well as hers did, I was pretty happy with the end result. And I'm sure I will get better at making them with time.

I used fabric instead of felt for the ruffle. And I didn't have a handy-dandy little tool or snaps like hers, so I used buttons for looks and then tiny brass snaps on the inside to close the flap. 

And of course, because I get attached to the things I make, I had to have a pair to keep as well. 

I know, I know. Imagine me having something with this blue.

And here are the boots with their matching hats.

Can't wait to see baby Avery model hers! And maybe someday in the not-so-near future we will have one to model the other pair.

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