
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

More Onesie Sets

So I have this problem.

I've started making onesie sets and now I can't stop! 

My first attempt was successful enough that I wanted to try it again. And again. And again. And I think there are probably more to come. 

I decided that it was time to ditch the ruffles and try something for a baby boy. The problem was, I like colorful and pretty things, aka girly things. So I only had a couple of fabrics that could be used. At least it made my decision easy. (I'm not good with those.)

So I mixed and matched a couple of things I had seen, and this is what I came up with.

I think it's pretty cute, in spite of its lack of ruffles.

I couldn't stay away from the ruffles for long though, so I made another set for one of my friends who has a baby girl on the way. 

I went back to the Mila baby shoes for this one. I think they turned out better than the others I've made. 

And then of course, I decided I just HAD to spoil our little "niece" with a set of her own, too! I LOVE how this one turned out. Probably my favorite so far.

I made a different flower this time. Can't remember where I found this tutorial. But maybe I'll do one of my own sometime. It's pretty simple.

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully tomorrow I will post a little update on our life!

So long from the West coast! ;)

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