
Tuesday, May 29, 2012


In my last post, I mentioned that I would give you all an update on our lives. It's a little later than expected, but it counts, right?

Scott is still stationed in 29 Palms. He's now working 24 hours on and 24 hours off, so we are seeing each other even less than before. But he's supposed to be done June 22nd and then go back to Pendleton, so the end is in sight. We're both ready to just have a somewhat normal married life. Not this long distance nonsense. 

After several months of trying out different churches we finally found one. It's a satellite campus of a church in San Diego. So far, it has been a perfect fit for us. The first Sunday we went after we had decided that the church was for us the pastor's message was about how the church is called to love people. This was only a few days after I posted my blog about the same thing. Pretty awesome how God orchestrates things. We took it as affirmation that the pastor's sermon was about the very thing that has been on our hearts as of late.

Bambi the bunny is a mess. Always climbing into things and chewing on electric cords. But let's face it...she's just so darn cute! Last weekend I went to visit Scott, so Bambi had to come with. (She HATED riding in the car.) This was where she chose to lay down at the hotel.

Of all places, right?

And this is her new place to climb into. The TV stand.

Silly rabbit.

Scott and I have been talking a lot about where we'll be next year. Whether he will re-enlist or get out and go to college. Whether or not I will go back to school or try out some other career path. So, to those of you who pray, we'd appreciate you prayers. We really want to go where God is leading. We're just not sure where that is yet. So please pray for clarity.

As for me, I'm looking for a job, without much success. I've been doing crafts to take up my time so I don't go absolutely crazy sitting around and I'm trying to start taking advantage of the beautiful California weather and beaches while I can. 

We'll be heading back to Texas sometime this summer, so we expect to see all of your bright and shining faces! Not to mention, California doesn't have snow cone stands. So we'll be needing several of those!

Until next long from the West Coast!

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