
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


So today I'll be taking a break from the crafting. Mostly because I have nothing to show for it. But I'm trying out a different kind of painted shoes, so maybe I will finish them soon and have them to share! But for now, just a short update on our life.

It seems we have a bit of a diva on our hands. Sweet little Bambi is still quite the funny bunny, but she now enjoys lounging around in the "shade."

But she's pretty cute, so I let it happen. Scott, however, hasn't been quite the fan of her as of late. Probably because she decided she was going to poop right next to him a few times this past weekend. And he wants her to stay in her cage. I'm thinking, that's her way of saying she's no big fan of him either!

To take it back about a month...Scott decided that he wanted to go to Las Vegas for his birthday. Which happened to also be St. Patrick's Day. Now I've never been very interested in going to Vegas...I don't drink, there's nothing exciting to me about gambling, so why would I go? I have to say, while there were some not so fun moments in the walking down The Strip for 4 turned out to be a really great weekend. Overall, Vegas was nothing like I expected.

We went to see a show called "Marriage is Murder" one night. It was a dinner murder mystery show. It was hilarious! And Scott and I were way off about who the murderer was. We suspected the people at our own table, who happened to not even be part of the show. Yeah, watch out, Sherlock Holmes! Nevertheless, if you ever find yourself in Vegas, I would definitely recommend seeing it!

The Texas Rangers also happened to be playing a couple of spring training games there that weekend, so we went to one on Saturday. No souvenir game balls for us.

Scott wanted to go see a Cirque du Soleil show, so we went to see Mystère. I was in awe the entire show! The acrobatics and tricks were amazing and the comedic relief to allow for set changes was surprisingly great as well! I think it was a perfect fit for us, because it was classic Cirque du Soleil, more focused on the acrobatics than the story line like other Cirque shows. All in all, yet another show I would absolutely recommend.

A couple of Scott's Marine friends also came to Vegas that weekend. His friend, Chad, had told us about this new "ride" at the Stratosphere, called the SkyJump, that he had been wanting to do. When he told me about it, I was skeptical about it being an adrenaline rush, which led us to somewhat of an argument about who was more of an adrenaline junkie. I thought it was overpriced and knew it wasn't going to be very exciting, but because Scott wanted to do it and Chad was going to, I had to go too, or I'd look like I was scared. And I wasn't. So we went Saturday night. 

Now, don't get me wrong, it was cool standing on the ledge of the Stratosphere. The jump is situated perfectly so that you can look  straight ahead and see the entire Las Vegas strip. Stepping off the ledge was fun. But the rest was just...cold. A controlled "free fall" is no free fall at all. But if you want to start out small on your adventure to adrenaline junkie status, it may not be a bad place to start. 

We did a little bit of gambling, but we actually spent more time and money in the arcade at our hotel. Scott tried to win me some cute stuffed animals at the carnival-style games. I eventually had to resort to winning one myself! :) But all in all, I'd say it was quite the birthday weekend for hubby.

Jumping back to present day, after 3 months of living in Cali, we finally bought a couch. Said couch has yet to arrive, but it should be here soon. The same day, we also bought a truck. It's actually really nice and Scott pretty much fell in love with it at first sight. So we left with it...of course.

This past weekend, hubby and I took a day trip to LA. After enjoying our first Cirque du Soleil show, I was interested in seeing more and my friend Wendy told me about one showing in Los Angeles. It's called Iris and it's about "the journey through the world of cinema." Now don't get me wrong, there were some very impressive acrobatics in this show as well, but I have to say, I didn't enjoy it near as much as Mystère. But we did get to see the "famous" Kodak theater. Sadly, LA traffic is lame and we were running late for the show, so I wasn't able to get a picture. 

I haven't been too impressed with LA thus far, but maybe we'll give it another chance someday.

But for now, so long from the West Coast.

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