
Monday, April 30, 2012

Another pair of Rangers Shoes

Last post I mentioned a new pair of shoes I was working on. Not that you all have been anxiously awaiting them, but I finally finished them today. I think.

The more I looked at the first pair of Texas Rangers shoes, the less I liked them. Which I am sure will be true for this next pair. I think I just didn't like the Target shoes in general compared to Toms. I still wasn't too ready to spend so much money on a pair of shoes that I might ruin, so I found a pair of shoes that looked more like Toms at Wet Seal. 

They didn't have plain white shoes, so I had to choose between navy and red. For whatever reason, I went with the navy. I wasn't too sure the paint would show up very well on the shoes and it turns out, it took a lot of work and coats to get it to show up. Which is a shame, because I think if I would have had plain white shoes, I would have painted more and they would have turned out better. But overall I'd say I like these shoes better than the first. 

And since I wasn't a huge fan of the first shoes themselves, I told my mom I was going to do her another pair of shoes. So here they are.

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